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When is Probate Necessary?

Florida Estate Planning Attorneys Help Clients Understand the Probate Process

The probate process provides an orderly distribution of someone’s assets following their death, and is usually necessary in the event of no will, or a disputed will. Probate law in Florida can be complex and long, but experienced estate administration attorney can help you understand when it is necessary, and if it can be avoided. Contact Dean & Dean, LLP to talk about avoiding probate by drafting your custom and comprehensive will and trust today.

When is Probate Necessary?

Probate can take several months or up to a year, depending on the complexity of the will and size of the estate. It determines several things, such as the validity of a disputed Will, the value of the decedent’s property and how it will be distributed, debts and taxes owed, and more. Probate is necessary when a will is poorly written, ambiguous, debated, or there is no will to an estate.

Can You Avoid Probate in Florida?

An experienced Florida estate planning attorney can help you draft comprehensive documents catered to your exact wishes to avoid probate. When you talk with attorneys at Dean & Dean, you may dictate legally binding, specific instructions regarding transfer of your assets, guardianship of any minor children, medical power-of-attorney, and executor of your Will. Contact our North Florida law firm today to begin drafting your living will and trust.

Contact Our Florida Estate Planning Attorneys Today

If you have questions about estate planning, management, or the Florida probate process, Dean & Dean, LLP can provide comprehensive assistance. Contact our firm online or call (352) 515-9221 to set up your initial consultation today.