Need Help With a Business Formation in Florida?
Are you thinking about forming an LLC, S-corporation, or other business entity in Florida? Do you need help determining which business entity is best for you, your family and your business goals?
If you need help with a business formation in Florida, contact the law office of Dean and Dean, LLP Our main office is located in Ocala, Florida. For your convenience, we have additional officelocations in Beverly Hills, and The Villages. We represent individuals, business owners, and aspiring business owners throughout north central Florida, including Marion, Sumter, Citrus and Lake Counties.
To contact an attorney at our main office in Ocala, call (352) 515-9221. For assistance online, contact us by e-mail.
Why Do I Need Business Formation Assistance?
In today's increasingly litigious society, protecting yourself and your assets from business liabilities is a must. In addition to shielding yourself from a civil lawsuit, you may want to shelter your personal assets from businessdebts.
Choosing the right business entity — whether it's an LLC, LP, S-corporation, C-corporation or something else — may provide significant advantages for you. When assisting clients with a business formation, we ask questions critical to the preservation of client's rights and interests, including:
- What is the purpose of the company?
- What parties will be involved?
- What risks are involved?
- What is the exposure to premises liability?
- What other liability and risk factors are involved?
- What capital contributions will be made to fund operations?
If you need assistance with a business formation, we encourage you to contact us.
Contact Dean and Dean, LLP
To contact our main office, call (352) 515-9221, or contact us by e-mail.